Welcome to FTDPay

Secure End-to-End Payment Processing Gateway

One integration unlocks a wide variety of popular local payment methods in emerging markets globally.


About FTDPay

FTDPAY is a rapidly expanding global fintech enterprise. With a single integration, merchants can effortlessly tap into a broad spectrum of popular local payment methods across diverse regions.

Our guiding principle, "Think Globally, Act Locally," ensures that a single integration setup covers multiple regions, always utilizing local acquirers.

We aim to support online merchants looking to grow their business in emerging markets and developing regions worldwide. To achieve this, we provide an innovative payment gateway, bolstered by extensive experience working with top-tier clients and a select group of trusted partners both locally and globally.

We have built a robust network of international clients, and both major local and global companies trust us with their financial transactions.

Convenience of payments


Creating a local financial framework

We consistently depend on entirely local configurations



Our global experts, boasting over a decade of verified industry experience, collaborate with leading IT specialists to enhance our products and fulfill our clients’ requirements


Expertise & Skills

We have extensive experience with international markets, having encountered and overcome both typical and atypical challenges. We are pleased to share our knowledge and assist our merchants in discovering safer operational strategies locally


Tailored approach to merchant needs

We adapt our commercial offerings and services to suit the unique needs of each merchant. This includes, but is not limited to, volumes, channels, referrals, and limits. Additionally, we provide ancillary services to ensure comprehensive solutions, customized for each merchant


Increase in Approval Rates

The enhanced checkout process is streamlined to convert end users efficiently by eliminating unnecessary information, aiming to deliver optimal outcomes


Complete personalized cascading

Our gateway not only provides payment methods but also devises an optimal financial routing plan from both economic and risk management perspectives


Reliable partnerships

We don’t just offer standard solutions and providers available everywhere else. Instead, we collaborate with a select group of trusted partners who have proven their capability to support the full payment flow cycle, both locally and internationally


Global money transfers

We support major fiat and cryptocurrencies, both in-house and through reputable partners, enabling us to facilitate various fund transfers across different jurisdictions


Custom Design

All-in-one payment gateway

We provide an exclusive design of our FTDPAY toolkit to be similar to your website or app. It is both user-friendly and attractive to an eye so you're welcome to set those laws you need for your profit. And it's FTDPAY who take all the rest to be done for you.

Custom Design

Protected payment transactions

Our platform holds PCI DSS Level 1 Certification and employs a comprehensive in-house anti-fraud system

Custom Design

International network

At present, our acquiring partner network spans the CIS region, Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, Canada, and additional areas

FTDPAY Is Compatible With All Major CRMs

Our Integrations - Woocommerce
Our Integrations - Panda Trading Systems
Our Integrations - SBTEch
Our Integrations - Backpack
Our Integrations - Adraba
Our Integrations - Genie Solutions
Our Integrations - Tradersoft Logo
Our Integrations - Tradecore Logo
FTDPay cetrificate

Ready for Innovations?

Let's start right now!